My Struggle with Insomnia (and How I Managed It)

20 November 2023

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The advantages of getting enough good-quality sleep cannot be overstated; it is a biological necessity, just like food and drink. Each passing day of my struggle with insomnia reminded me of the need of sleep for basic functioning. Adults should get 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep every night (approximately 5 to 6 sleep cycles), but I was barely getting by on 5 to 6 hours.


After experimenting with several solutions and making other lifestyle adjustments, I finally discovered an approach that worked for me.


What is Insomnia?

In simple words, insomnia is a persistent problem sleeping and/or staying asleep. Sleep deprivation can also show as waking up in the middle of the night and failing to fall back asleep.


Insomnia has severely impacted my quality of life. I’ve struggled with poor concentration and memory, unpleasant moods, afternoon lethargy, low energy, and decreased productivity.

In fact, studies have found that insomniacs are 2.5 to 4.5 times more likely to have an accident.


Not to mention the physical toll it has had on my appearance: swollen bloodshot eyes, dark under-eye bags, and a dull complexion. This is hardly surprising; after all, sleep is when your body produces more collagen and refills its cells.


The causes of insomnia vary from individual to person. Short-term reasons include jet lag, daytime napping, alcohol (which inhibits REM sleep), and caffeine (which remains in your system for 12 hours).


In my case, it was primarily due to anxiety and stress. I’d go to bed with a lot on my mind, and while I tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, I’d become nervous about not sleeping. This created a vicious cycle, a never-ending feedback loop: I’d be anxious about work-related or interpersonal issues, which made it difficult to fall asleep, and this, in turn, led to anxiety about not falling asleep or not getting enough sleep, which fed on itself and grew exponentially. It’s really difficult to calm the overactive mind when you’re engaged in this type of mental rut.


Worse, sleep deprivation can lead to increased anxiety the next day. According to studies, even one night of poor sleep can boost anxiety levels by 30% the next day, as deep sleep is a natural anxiety inhibitor. This is consistent with my experience, which is why I was desperate to find a long-term treatment that addressed both insomnia and anxiety.


Remedies I tried

Abstaining from caffeine and alcohol: While this lifestyle adjustment helped, it was insufficient because my insomnia was mostly caused by anxiety. I wanted something more to help with my anxiety and insomnia.

Mindfulness meditation: I simply did not have the patience to continue with it. Effective meditation necessitates discipline and sufficient practice, but I desired immediate results, so I felt disappointed.

CBD Supplements: CBD didn’t help me sleep. I tried it, but my sleep issues are probably not the type CBD can fix. Maybe I didn’t use it right or got the wrong kind. 

Prescription medication: I sought professional medical attention and was prescribed a number of drugs, but none of them were a good fit. Benzodiazepines were useful, but not long-term—I quickly developed tolerance and had to continue raising the dosage. Furthermore, while they helped me fall asleep quickly, they did not improve the quality of my sleep, and I continued to wake up throughout the night. I also tried other prescription medications, but they were too effective—the next day’s hangover was terrible, and I was always foggy and drowsy.

What Worked for Me

Frustrated and tired of sleepless nights, I stumbled upon something called melatonin during a late-night Google search.


Melatonin is a natural supplement that caught my attention. It’s a hormone our bodies naturally produce to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Essentially, it helps signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and get some shut-eye. This sounded like just what I needed for my ongoing struggle with insomnia. As I dug deeper, I learned that melatonin supplements have been linked to improved sleep quality. Studies suggest it can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and enhance overall sleep duration and efficiency. Excited to give it a shot and reclaim my nights!

I decided to give melatonin a shot, ordering a mix of supplements. To check its impact on my sleep quality, I turned to my trusty Fitbit. The results were pretty swift – within the first week, I noticed falling asleep way quicker (around 30 minutes) and waking up less during the night.


Even on the rare occasion I did wake up, getting back to sleep was a breeze. Fast forward a few more weeks, and thanks to my consistent melatonin routine, those mid-night awakenings became a thing of the past. What’s cool is I didn’t wake up feeling groggy; instead, I felt more refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Melatonin definitely earned its spot on my nightstand!

What’s great about melatonin is that it’s not just a sleep savior—it’s a multitasking marvel.


First off, it plays a role in promoting overall well-being. I noticed that my exercise performance got a boost, thanks to melatonin reducing muscle damage after workouts. Plus, it’s been a helpful companion in managing my weight; the antioxidants in melatonin work on inflammation and give my metabolism a nudge, making fat burn more efficient.


Melatonin isn’t just a sleep hero; it’s an immune system ally too. By ramping up immune cell activity and blood serum antibodies, melatonin helps fortify my body against infections.


Intriguingly, some studies hint at melatonin’s role in improving sexual satisfaction, arousal, and lubrication for women. And for the brainiacs out there, melatonin may enhance cognitive functions, making memory, concentration, and information-processing speed a bit sharper.


But, just like with anything else, not all melatonin products are made equal. It took some trial and error to find the right brands and formulations that worked best for me. Here’s a checklist I followed when picking my melatonin supplement.

What You Need to Avoid

  • Excessive Dossages

    More is not always better. Avoid high-dose melatonin supplements, as they may lead to grogginess and other unwanted side effects. Start with a low dose (around 0.5 to 3 mg) and adjust as needed.

  • Extended-Release Formulas

    While extended-release melatonin may be suitable for some, it might not be ideal for everyone. If you prefer falling asleep quickly and staying asleep throughout the night, an immediate-release form might be more appropriate.

  • Complex Formulas with Unnecessary Ingredients

    Melatonin supplements often come with added herbs, vitamins, or minerals. While some combinations may be beneficial, others might not suit your needs. Choose a supplement with additional ingredients only if they align with your goals.

My Top Pick for a Melatonin Supplement to Improve Sleep

After diving deep into the world of melatonin supplements and exploring various options, my top choice is SleepWell Gummies.


I’m confident in the quality they offer, and what sets them apart is the unique feature of being melatonin gummies, a rarity in the market. While SleepWell Gummies might not be the most budget-friendly option out there, I’ve found them to be exceptionally effective.


Prior to grabbing SleepWell Gummies, I sifted through numerous reviews, and the feedback from customers was consistently positive. Many shared how these gummies significantly improved their sleep quality. If you’re looking for a reliable melatonin supplement, SleepWell Gummies could be your sleep savior.

SleepWell Gummies

The Ultimate Winner: SleepWell Gummies take the top spot for us, thanks to their comprehensive formulation and the brand’s commitment to an excellent customer experience.


These gummies feature an ideal dosage of melatonin, ensuring effectiveness without unnecessary excess. What sets SleepWell Gummies apart is their dedication to quality ingredients, including premium melatonin. 


While some melatonin supplements may have an undesirable taste, SleepWell Gummies offer a delicious solution. The fruity flavors make them enjoyable without being overly sweet, catering to those who may find other forms less palatable.


Moreover, what truly distinguishes SleepWell Gummies is their convenient gummy form. This not only makes them easy to incorporate into a daily routine but also addresses the aversion some may have to swallowing pills or dealing with liquid supplements.


Although not the most budget-friendly option, the effectiveness of SleepWell Gummies makes them a top choice for those seeking optimal results from their melatonin supplement. The convenience, quality, and positive customer experiences make SleepWell Gummies stand out in the crowded melatonin market.


Dealing with both chronic insomnia and anxiety, SleepWell Gummies have been a game-changer in transforming my sleep routine. Combining the daily intake of SleepWell Gummies with consistent sleep hygiene practices has made a significant impact on both falling asleep easily and elevating overall sleep quality.


Beyond just relying on SleepWell Gummies, I’ve adopted habits like minimizing caffeine and alcohol intake to effectively combat insomnia. Supporting my supplement routine with regular exercise and sticking to a fixed sleep schedule has further reinforced its positive effects. SleepWell Gummies’ additional benefits have been a welcome bonus in my journey to better sleep.


If you’re navigating the challenges of insomnia and anxiety, SleepWell Gummies could be the missing piece. Unlike many prescription sleep aids, they’re non-habit-forming and safe for long-term use, offering a natural and effective solution to improve sleep quality.

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