
Am obținut o vedere perfectă după ce am folosit acest produs timp de 3 săptămâni!

Am obținut o vedere perfectă după ce am folosit acest produs timp de 3 săptămâni!  De Anne Yatcone 25 noi 2023  2.00PM Întotdeauna am fost inconfortabil cu vederea mea slabă. Încă de când eram copil, am fost nevoită să port ochelari și nu-mi plăcea cum arătam. Crescând,mulți oameni îmi spuneau nume, cum ar fi “Patru ochi” sau “Tocilar”. Arătam deosebit de rău cu ochelari.   Acum, că sunt adult, am descoperit acest instrument miraculos care described singur pentru a te ajuta să obții “Vederea perfectă”. Oricât de sceptic aș fi fost, am fost  curios și l-am încercat timp de câteva luni. Sunt încântat să vă împărtășesc rezultatele călătoriei mele spre repararea vederii mele! Ayur Glasses este o oferă o pereche de ochelari proiectată cu orificiu de acvilin pe care trebuie doar să o să purtați timp de 10 minute pe zi. A fost atât de convenabil și de ușor metodă de utilizare care m-a atras. Nu este nevoie de intervenții chirurgicale costisitoare chirurgicale costisitoare și nu este nevoie să plătiți pentru proceduri laser periculoase. Nu, puteți face totul din confortul casei dvs. de a vizita un optician!   Este perfect pentru oricine – la propriu. Nu există o limită de vârstă pentru a-l utiliza pentru că este atât de surprinzător de ușor de utilizat și accesibil. De fapt, este recomandat pentru persoanele în vârstă care suferă de vedere slabă , sau de boli oculare precum cataracta.   Rezultatele ideale sunt de obicei obținute în doar 21 de zile! Ochelarii Ayur sunt concepuți pentru a vă ajuta să vă regenerați vederea la perfecțiune, cu claritate. Rezultatele variază, desigur, de la persoană la persoană, dar vă asigur că, dacă păstrați un bun obicei de a-l purta în mod regulat, veți vedea cu siguranță rezultatele în câteva săptămâni!   Eu am început obiceiul de a integra încet-încet purtarea ochelarilor în viața mea de zi cu zi viața de zi cu zi. Seara, după ce mă întorceam de la serviciu, îi purtam timp de 10 minute. Încet-încet, în timp, am început să observ claritatea îmbunătățită a vederii mele și cum încet-încet am putut începe să văd de departe lucruri care înainte erau încețoșate.   Am continuat să o fac, menținând acest obicei. Și destul de curând, după aproximativ 3 săptămâni…  Viola! În sfârșit, puteam vedea clar fără să folosesc ochelarii! După toate prin câte am trecut, sunt atât de bucuroasă și recunoscătoare Ayur Glasses pentru că mi-au reparat vederea, iar acum nu mai trebuie să trec prin grijile de  de a mai purta ochelari sau lentile de corecție vreodată. Dacă o voi face vreodată, va fi pentru scopuri cosmetice – și la alegerea mea. Încrederea mea în mine nu a fost niciodată atât de ridicată și nu m-am mai iubit niciodată atât de mult.   Acum că mi-ați citit povestea, ați dori să vă alăturați mie în această călătorie pentru a-ți repara viziunea? Doar faceți clic mai jos și veți putea să vă îmbarcați pe propria ta călătorie a încrederii și a iubirii de sine! Obțineți-l acum Obțineți-l acum

Am obținut o vedere perfectă după ce am folosit acest produs timp de 3 săptămâni! Read More »

I Achieved Perfect Vision After Using This Product For 3 Weeks!

I Achieved Perfect Vision After Using This Product For 3 Weeks!  By Anne Yatcone 25 Nov 2023 2.00PM I’ve always been uncomfortable with my poor eyesight. Since I was a child, I’ve always had to wear glasses and I hated how I looked. Growing up,many people called me names, such as “Four- Eyes” or “Nerd”. I looked especially bad in glasses.   Now that I am an adult, I have discovered this miraculous tool that described itself to help one achieve “Perfect Vision”. Skeptical as I was, I was curious and tried it out for a few months. I am excited to share the results of my journey to fixing my vision! Ayur Glasses is a offers a pinhole designed glasses pair that you just have to wear on for a 10 minutes per day. It was this convenient and easy method of using this that drew me in. No need for expensive surgical  procedures, and no need to pay for dangerous laser procedures. Nay, you can do it all from the comfort of your home, without the need to visit an optician! It is perfect for anyone- literally. There is no age limit to use it – for it is so surprisingly easy to use and affordable. It’s actually recommended for elderly who suffer from poor vision , or eye diseases such as cataracts.   Ideal results are usually achieved in just 21 days! Ayur Glasses are designed to help regenerate your vision back to perfect, with clarity. Results of course, vary from person to person, but I can assure you that if you keep a good habit of wearing it regularly, you will definitely see the results in a few weeks!   I started the habit of slowing integrating wearing the glasses into my everyday life. In the evenings, after coming home from work, I’d wear it for 10 minutes. Slowly over time, I started to notice the improved clarity of my vision, and how I could slowly start seeing things afar that used to be blurry. I kept at it, maintaining this habit. And soon enough, after roughly 3 weeks, Viola! I could finally see clearly without the use of my glasses! After all that I’ve been through, I am so glad and thankful to Ayur Glasses for fixing my vision, and now I do not need to go through the hassle of wearing corrective glasses or lenses ever again. If I ever do, it’ll be for cosmetic purposes – and my choice. My confidence has never been so high and I’ve never loved myself this much before.   Now that you have read my story, would you like to join me on this journey to fixing your vision? Just click below, and you’ll be able to embark on your own journey of confidence and self love!   Get It NOW Get It NOW

I Achieved Perfect Vision After Using This Product For 3 Weeks! Read More »

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Benefit Pte. Ltd. private limited company, duly incorporated and organized under the laws of Singapore, with offices in Singapore at 9 Raffles Place, #26-01 Republic Plaza, Singapore 048619, registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority in Singapore, registration number 201612601N ("we," "us," or "our") is the owner and operator of this Site https://thesociality.com/ ("Site"). We are committed to protecting the Privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect, how we use it, and your choices regarding the collection and use of your information when you visit our Site.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our practices regarding your personal information, you can contact us at: social@benefit.sg

The Policy: The Policy explains what data, when, where, and why we collect your data, the legal basis for processing, how we use it, conditions for disclosure to others, your rights regarding your personal information, and how we keep it secure. When you browse our Site, we also automatically receive your computer's internet protocol (IP) address to provide us with information to understand your browser and operating system.

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Effective Date: This Policy is effective as of 1 February 2024. We may revise the Policy in response to new developments or advances in legislation and the broader data protection landscape, so please check this page periodically to ensure you are aware of any changes. We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon posting on the Site. We will notify you of material changes to this Policy.

The Data: the Data refers to any information relating to you, alone or in combination with other information, that allows the collector and processor to identify you as a person. Processing of data includes collecting, storing, transferring, etc.

Sensitive Information: include information or opinion about such things as an individual's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information. We do not collect this type of Data. If you submit to us such data voluntarily, we will delete it immediately.

Types of Data We Collect:

  1. Personal Information: This includes your name, ID address, email address, phone number, and any other information you voluntarily provide to us through forms or correspondence on the Site.
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Marketing: If we request your personal information for a secondary purpose, such as marketing, we will either ask for your expressed consent directly or provide an opportunity for you to decline. If you change your mind after opting in, you may withdraw your consent for us to contact you or continue collecting, using, or disclosing your information by contacting us at social@benefit.sg

Age: You must be at least 18 years old or of legal age in your country to use the Site. We do not knowingly process personal data from individuals under 18 years of age. If a minor submits personal information to us, we will attempt to delete it as soon as possible. If you believe we may have personal information of a minor, please contact us at social@benefit.sg

Purposes of Information Processing:

  1. To make the Site available for your access and provide relevant services.
  2. To provide technical support.
  3. To communicate with you regarding your use of the Site and updates.
  4. To notify you of any important information or changes within the Site.
  5. To analyze active user numbers, support users from different regions, ensure proper functionality of various Site versions, and optimize the Site.
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  7. To comply with legal obligations.

Third-party providers: We may use third-party service providers to perform functions and provide services to us including: hosting and maintenance, database storage and management and direct marketing campaigns. Such third party providers may process or store the Data on our behalf. These service providers are contractually obligated to protect your information and are prohibited from using it for any other purpose. Third-party providers used by us will only collect, use, and disclose the Data to the extent necessary to perform the services they provide to us. Once you leave our Site or are redirected to a third-party Site or application, this Policy no longer applies.

Transfer of Data Abroad: your Data, including personal data, may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ from those of your jurisdiction. If you are located outside Singapore, and choose to provide Data to us, please note that we transfer the Data, including personal data, to United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, and process it there. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such Data represents your agreement to that transfer. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that the Data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of you’re the Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.

Your Rights:

  1. The right to request access to your data and clarifications on its processing.
  2. The right to request rectification or completion of inaccurate personal information.
  3. The right to request erasure of personal information under certain conditions.
  4. The right to request restriction of data processing.
  5. The right to withdraw consent for data collection and processing at any time.
  6. The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
  7. The right to data portability.

We will respond to your requests regarding these rights within one month of receipt, with a possible extension of two months if overwhelmed. We will inform you of any extensions and reasons for delay.

Data Storage: Your personal information may be stored on our servers or those of our third-party service providers. These servers may be located in different jurisdictions where the data protection laws may differ from those of your jurisdiction.

Data Security: We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. These measures may include encryption, access controls, firewalls, and regular security assessments.

Data Disclosure: We will disclose the Data only when you consent to such disclosure or if we are required to do so or authorized by law.

Retention Period: We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

Data Breach Notification: In the event of a data breach that may affect your personal information, we will notify you and relevant authorities as required by applicable law.

Your Responsibilities: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any passwords or account credentials used to access our Site. Please notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized access to your account or any other security breach.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information: We will not sell your Data (personal information).